Welcome to the docs ! I'll try to make it clear and easy for you.
- Version: 2.0
- Author: 0adri3n
- Created: 20 May, 2024
Need help ? Check out the Github. If down-c0nn3ct becomes more widely used, I'll build a Discord or a forum :)
What is down-c0nn3ct ?
down-c0nn3ct is an online MarkDown editor with an integrated-preview, lightweight and newbie-friendly.
What is MarkDown ?
For the newbies, a little definition :
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents.
Why MarkDown ?
Because it's fun and easy-to-use ! You don't need any programming knowledge to use it, and I promise you can learn it in 10 minutes.
It's one the best way to create documents to learn or take notes at school or at work.
Host it locally
You may want to keep your data private, just for you. Good news, down-c0nn3ct is open-source !
You can see how to setup it here. It's not hard but you still need some fundamentals in Python :)
Writting MarkDown
Writting MarkDown is easy but I'll provide you some links to externals documentations.
Basic MarkDown
I recommended you two docs : MarkDownGuide and the Github docs.
KaTex is a math typesetting library for the web, so I integrated it into my MarkDown previewer. Their docs is simple and complete.
H4sh Tech™ v2
What is this ? It's a share system that I thinked about to avoid copy a whole file.
Get to know it !
Basically, H4sh Tech™ just compress your file into characters string.
Thanks to this, each file are easy-to-share.
Use it
Just press the "Share with H4sh Tech v2" button and copy the string !
You can also add the hash to the URL to directly open it. Example :
The benefits of H4sh Tech™ is that you can even share your file to your friends thanks to the hash ! Certainly, if your friend modifies your original file, you won't see it but he can share you a new hash.
Copy content
Copy editor's content into your clipboard (MD text).
Download content
Download editor's content as a .md file.
Import content
Import into editor an external .md file
Export as PDF/PNG
I tried a lot to create this function but I had problems like it couldn't take the whole preview into the PDF/PNG. I need help ! Please consider create this function and fork on Github !
Export preview as a PDF or a PNG.
If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, please contact me via Discord (0akira) or through down-c0nn3ct Github issues
Don’t forget to star the repository !
Version 2.0 (11 february, 2025)
Now static and more features.